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  • Pigment removal
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Multiple modes and wavelengths
  • Sеttіngs tailored for each іndіvіduаl
  • Quick treatment sessions
  • Little to no downtime
  • Safe for all skin types
Before & After

Before and after treatment with Q switched pigment laser for pigmented spots

Before and after 1 treatment with Q switched laser toning. Note improvement in skin radiance, pore size and pigmentation. Absolutely no downtime.

Actual patient of Northside Dermatology. Photos are taken with our standardised clinical photography system and published with patient’s consent. Individual results may vary. A thorough consultation is required prior.


Before and after combination treatment including sun protection, oral medication, skin lightening cream and Q switched laser  for melasma 


Actual patient of Northside Dermatology. Photos are taken with our standardised clinical photography system and published with patient’s consent. Individual results may vary. A thorough consultation is required prior.


Below: B and A following Q-switched laser treatment for pigmentation and skin texture


Actual patient of Northside Dermatology. Photos are taken with our standardised clinical photography system and published with patient’s consent. Individual results may vary. A thorough consultation is required prior.


What Is a Q-Switched Laser?

Q-switched laser technology creates high-intensity pulsed beam light. The energy emitted by a Q-switched laser is concentrated into ultra-powerful pulses that last just a billionth of a second each. Because the energy’s contact with the skin is less than other lasers, Q-switched lasers are known for preserving surrounding tissue and a reduced risk of unwanted side effects. 

Q-switched lasers can also produce different wavelengths of light, which makes them versatile treatments that can effectively address many conditions. The most popular type of Q-switched laser is Nd:YAG, which emits 1064nm and 532nm wavelengths. This type of laser is prized due to its vast range of applications.

What Is the Q-Switched Laser Used For?

Pastelle Toning

  • Melasma 
    • Treated on a very low setting over a number of sessions. This is used as part of a treatment program, never as a stand-alone treatment. Please see the melasma section for more information.
  • Nevus of Ota
  • PIH (Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation)

Dermal Lesions

  • Nevus of Ota / Ito 
  • Tattoo Removal
  • Iron Infusion Pigmentation 

Laser Peel & Genesis

  • Laser Peel: acne, large pores, skin whitening
  • Genesis: skin rejuvenation

Epidermal Lesions

  • Age Spots
  • Seborrheic Keratosis
  • Solar Lentigo
  • Lentigo Simplex
  • Café au Lait

Tattoo Removal 

  • 1064nm for dark inks
  • 532nm for red and orange inks

Skin Rejuvenation

  • Toning and Brightening
  • Exfoliation
  • Collagen Renewal

How Does the Q-Switched Laser Work?

The Q-switched laser excels in the treatment of unwanted pigmentation or tattoo ink. The laser produces short pulses of energy that pass harmlessly through the skin’s top layers and are selectively absorbed by the abnormal pigment. This causes the pigment to shatter into smaller fragments, which can then be cleared away naturally by the body’s immune system.

The Q-switched laser can also be calibrated for anti-ageing and general skin rejuvenation. Under these settings, the benefits of treatment include removing dirt, dead skin cells, excess oil and bacteria for a smoother, clearer and brighter complexion. The laser also heats the deeper skin layers to stimulate new collagen production over time.

How Do I Prep My Skin Before Treatment?

Before trеаtmеnt, іt іѕ hіghlу recommended that раtіеntѕ avoid sun exposure and tanning beds. The dermatologists who consult at Northside Dermatology or dermal clinician may recommend using a pigment lightening cream prior to the procedure.

What Does the Q-Switched Laser Treatment Feel Like?

Laser Toning: Laser toning treatments with the Q-switched laser involve little discomfort, as the energy setting used is very low. No topical anaesthetic cream is required. Laser rejuvenation can be done in a lunch hour, making it an appealing option for people who cannot take time off work or social engagements to recover.

Q-switched Mode: A topical anaesthetic is applied to the skin first and a Zimmer cooler is sometimes used to increase comfort further. You will be aware of warmth in the treatment area and will feel a slight sting, as if a rubber band is snapping against your skin. Your eyes will be covered with protective eyewear.

Watch Q switched laser toning


What Is Recovery Like After a Q-Switched Laser Treatment? 

Laser Toning: After the procedure, you may notice mild redness in the treated area that settles quickly. There are no obvious changes to your skin immediately and you can resume normal activities right away. 

Q-switched Mode: Expect some initial darkening and scabbing in the treated areas. These conditions are temporary, and after about five to seven days, they will begin to fade. Allow scabs heal on their own, without attempting to remove them. The pigmentation will become progressively lighter with each treatment. Usually, three to four treatment sessions are required to reduce most of the pigment. 

How Many Q-Switched Laser Sessions Do I Need?

The number of Q-switched laser treatments required to achieve optimal results varies. Depending on the condition being treated and the size of the treatment area, the number of recommended treatment sessions ranges from three to 10. Your dermatologist or dermal clinician will advise you regarding what to expect.

Is the Q-Switched Laser Suited for My Skin?

Yes, the Q-switched laser is safe for all skin types, including patients with skin of colour.


What Is the China Doll Laser Facial?

The China Doll Laser Facial is a multi-part procedure that creates a porcelain doll’s complexion. During the treatment, a layer of fine carbon particles is applied over the face and allowed to dry over a period of 15 minutes. Then, the Q-switched laser is passed over the skin to heat up the carbon and cause an implosion of the carbon particles. As the laser travels across the skin, the carbon layer is gently vacuumed up, exfoliating the skin and removing debris frоm dеер within the pores.

The treatment is non-invasive and gentle on the skin. Only a mild pins and needles sensation is felt. Most people describe it as a light tingling feeling that is easily tolerated.

What Is the China Doll Laser Facial Used For?

The China Doll Laser Facial minimises pore size and stimulates collagen renewal for a smooth, glowing complexion that can be seen and felt. The benefits of this treatment include:

  • Collagen and elastin stimulation
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improvement in pore size
  • Enhanced tone of the skin
  • Improved skin texture
  • Dead skin cell removal for a cleaner complexion
  • Reduced acne, acne scars and post-acne discolouration
  • Restored skin integrity and radiance

What Is the Dermatologist’s Perspective on the Q-Switched Laser?

A dermatologist should assess any pigmented lesion to ensure it is safe to treat with a laser and we are not mistreating melanoma.

The success of a Q-switched laser treatment is determined by a number of factors including: the correct diagnosis, the choice of laser settings, pre-treatment skin preparation and other concurrent prescription creams and medications. 

The Q-Switched laser is a versatile laser that offers different wavelengths to target a variety of skin conditions including sun spots, age spots, freckles, pigmentation and some birthmarks. An added bonus of this laser is its rejuvenation effect on the skin.

The Q-switched laser has been around for many years. Dermatologists have a lot of experience in the use of this laser for treating skin pigment. Many scientific papers back its safety and efficacy. It’s one of the go-to lasers for those with skin of colour. 

Beautiful skin begins with a consultation and a personalised treatment plan. Contact Northside Dermatology on 03 8582 8688 today to book an appointment with a consultant dermatologist or a dermal clinician.

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Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm

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03 8582 8688

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03 8582 8788

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