Early detection and treatment of skin cancer significantly improve patient outcomes.
To avoid delays in diagnosing skin cancers, especially melanoma, Northside Dermatology offers a Rapid Access Skin Cancer Clinic.
We have two options for you:
The first option is to see a skin cancer GP who consults at Northside Dermatology. The GP specialist works alongside the dermatologists and will perform biopsies, conduct comprehensive full-body examinations and liaise with a dermatologist for advice on the more challenging cases. You don’t need a referral to see a GP skin cancer specialist. You can book your appointments here.
The second option is to see a dermatologist . Please note that the wait time to see a specialist can be longer. If you choose this option, please email our reception team reception@northsidedermatology.com.au or call us on 85828688. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
We endeavour to offer those with suspected skin cancer an appointment within 1-2 weeks.
Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm
Medical Enquiries:
reception@northsidedermatology.com.auLaser & Cosmetic Enquiries: